IQ Air Health Pro Plus Filtration System

IQ Air Health Pro Plus Filtration System


The HealthPro Plus is designed with a 4-stage filtration process that cleans the full spectrum of airborne pollutants through a series of filters manufactured by IQAir to be the best in each category.

  1. Micro-Particle Filtration: After air is drawn in through the air intake, the Pre-Max™ Pre-Filter eliminates micro-particles such as pollen, pet dander and mold spores.
  2. Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption: Next, the V5-Cell™ Gas & Odor Filter (optional on HealthPro and not available on HealthPro Compact) uses granular activated carbon adsorption to eliminate volatile organic compounds (the cause of odors) and other harmful chemicals.
  3. Pelletized Chemisorption: The V5-Cell also includes a pelletized chemisorption filter to destroy other harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde.
  4. HyperHEPA Filtration: Finally, the unequalled IQAir HyperHEPA filter eliminates fine and ultrafine particles, including bacteria, viruses and combustion particles.
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Weight: 100lbs