Our Cornerstone Philosophy

To transform a house into a home requires a holistic approach. Essentially a healthy home is an extension of its residents: it should support and reinforce their best potential.

Model of Health

The Purified Home model of health evolved out of necessity when the founder noticed something very profound. While moonlighting as a handyman and completing his master’s in holistic, natural, and Chinese medicine, he had a spontaneous realization or “aha” moment: the majority of sicknesses and diseases are a direct result of maladaptation to unhealthy stressors in the home combined with being completely ungrounded and disconnected with nature. No matter how many herbs or pharmaceuticals were prescribed or treatments performed, our families would always be at risk if our living environment and The Four Pillars were not addressed. At that moment, it became crystal clear that lasting change and optimal health began at home. It is the environment that we eat, sleep, and rejuvenate in consistently that provides the greatest opportunity for well-being. A subsequent realization made the vision more clear: all biological and physiological processes are a combination of the Four Pillars. When they are harmonized in the home, health and wellness have to follow. Once The Four Pillars are understood and integrated into the awareness of the homeowner, a seed is planted, and a 5th element is born: “wholeness.”

Our Approach

The Purified Home’s unifying philosophy is a strategic, logical, and effective approach to optimizing environmental and human health. When we eliminate the sources of pollutants, irritants, and environmental stressors in a sick HOUSE, it becomes a healthy HOME. When we connect to our healthy HOME, it becomes a Purified Home, and the body’s ability to heal is improved. When The Four Pillars are in balance, the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) thrives, and the body’s innate healing capacity is optimized.

The Purified Home Evaluations address the significant sources of stress and toxins that exist in the home and replace them with safe, effective solutions. The carcinogens and stressors in the home cause chronic weakening of the immune system and premature degradation of the human body. Purifying the home is an act of prevention and restoration; it is an integral step towards moving from health to wellness and, ultimately, into wholeness.

The Purified Home empowers its clients to create conscious, cleaner, life-enhancing living environments. Our clients begin to fundamentally shift how they approach health and simultaneously add tremendous practical and intrinsic value to their homes and lives. Treating the home with this respect and reverence makes it a sanctuary for rest, recovery, and rejuvenation. More fundamental to our survival than food and exercise are four core concepts that must be addressed to begin health optimization. Our body is literally composed of and functions as a direct result of the interdependency of these Four Pillars.

Indoor Air Quality

Having quality air and adequate ventilation is fundamental for optimal health. Millions of Americans suffer from a host of maladies due to poor air quality in the home, including hay fever, asthma, and allergies. Not to mention the risk of transmission of influenza, upper respiratory tract infections, and the common cold. Poor air quality in the home can even contribute to lung cancer.

We can drastically improve indoor air quality through whole-house HEPA air filtration, increased ventilation, and removing the sources of contaminants that trigger allergies and distress the respiratory and immune systems. The difference clean, filtered air in the home has on overall health is palpable.

Indoor Air Quality

Having quality air and adequate ventilation is fundamental for optimal health. Millions of Americans suffer from a host of maladies due to poor air quality in the home, including hay fever, asthma, and allergies not to mention the risk of transmission of influenza, upper respiratory tract infections, and the common cold. Poor air quality in the home can even contribute to lung cancer.

We can drastically improve indoor air quality through whole-house HEPA air filtration, increased ventilation, and removing the sources of contaminants that trigger allergies and distress the respiratory and immune systems. The difference clean, filtered air in the home has on overall health is palpable.

Water Quality

Water is quite possibly the coolest, most important, and taken-for-granted molecule on earth. Most people understand the importance of drinking high-quality water. But what about that hot shower or bath, where the absorbent genius that is your skin opens its pores and begins interacting with whatever exists in the water, the most harmful of which is chlorine and/or chloramines?

Tap water is loaded with harsh disinfectants, cancer causing by-products, and contaminants left over from the treatment process. These chemicals are used to keep water safe from bacteria while in transit from the local water municipality to your tap. The Purified home identifies and eliminates common contaminants, leaving you with healthier hair and skin and naturally filtered water flowing from every faucet.

Water Quality

Water is quite possibly the coolest, most important, and taken-for-granted molecule on earth. Most people understand the importance of drinking high-quality water. But what about that hot shower or bath, where the absorbent genius that is your skin opens its pores and begins interacting with whatever exists in the water, the most harmful of which is chlorine and/or chloramines?

Tap water is loaded with harsh disinfectants, cancer-causing byproducts, and contaminants left over from the treatment process. These chemicals are used to keep water safe from bacteria while in transit from the local water municipality to your tap. The Purified Home identifies and eliminates common contaminants, leaving you with healthier hair and skin and naturally filtered water flowing from every faucet.

Electrical Environment & EMF

We are currently part of the greatest public health science experiment known to man. The levels of electromagnetic radiation we are exposed to in the modern built environment do not mimic nature and have never been tested or proven safe. Wifi, wireless, Bluetooth, 5g, and cellular technology, as well as the continued electrification of the home, is creating an electrical environment that causes constant interference with many biological and physiological processes.

Alternatively, we don’t have to look far for a model of what the body needs electrically to begin restoring optimal function. We are strong proponents of living in harmony with tech and nature and by creating a natural electrical environment in your home, the body’s electrochemical systems can begin to slow down and self-regulate.

Electrical Environment

We are currently part of the greatest public health science experiment known to man. The levels of electromagnetic radiation we are exposed to in the modern built environment do not mimic nature and have never been tested or proven safe. Wifi, wireless, Bluetooth, 5g, and cellular technology, as well as the continued electrification of the home, is creating an electrical environment that causes constant interference with many biological and physiological processes.

Alternatively, we don’t have to look far for a model of what the body needs electrically to begin restoring optimal function. We are strong proponents of living in harmony with tech and nature and by creating a natural electrical environment in your home, the body’s electrochemical systems can begin to slow down and self-regulate.

Sleep, Light, & Sound

Did you know that light plays a profound role not only in the length & quality of our sleep, but also in several foundational aspects of our health? In our evolutionary programming, light is used by both the eyes and skin to maintain normal bodily function. For example, photoreceptors in the eyes are responsible for converting specific light waves into electrical impulses. These electrical impulses travel via the optic nerve to the brain and then to the hypothalamus gland, which is directly responsible for the autonomic or automatic functions of the body including regulating our body temperature, breathing, blood pressure, digestion, moods, appetite and immune function.

We retrofit existing lighting systems with energy-efficient bulbs that simulate natural light to help normalize sleep/wake cycles, balance hormone function, and reduce eye strain and stress. We also address sources of ambient noise that keep the brain from peaceful rest.

Sleep, Light, & Sound

Did you know that light plays a profound role not only in the length & quality of our sleep but also in several foundational aspects of our health? In our evolutionary programming, light is used by both the eyes and skin to maintain normal bodily function. For example, photoreceptors in the eyes are responsible for converting specific light waves into electrical impulses. These electrical impulses travel via the optic nerve to the brain and then to the hypothalamus gland, which is directly responsible for the autonomic or automatic functions of the body including regulating our body temperature, breathing, blood pressure, digestion, moods, appetite and immune function.

We retrofit existing lighting systems with energy-efficient bulbs that simulate natural light to help normalize sleep/wake cycles, balance hormone function, and reduce eye strain and stress. We also address sources of ambient noise that keep the brain from peaceful rest.

Our Code of Ethics

The Purified Home Inspector shall understand, adhere to and apply all principles laid forth in the Hippocratic Oath of “First, do no harm” and apply the highest level of respect to all living environments.

The Purified Home Inspector shall service all of his or her clients with the utmost respect and provide unparalleled service and professionalism before, during, and after the implementation of the Healthy Home Evaluation, Strategies, and Solutions.

The Purified Home Inspector shall apply all the principles set forth in The Purified Home training manual and execute them with efficiency, excellence, and thoroughness.

The Purified Home Inspector shall offer an opinion only when it is based on the technical training, practical experience, and/or an honest assessment and in accordance with The Purified Home standards.

The Purified Home Inspector shall suggest to the Client when certain conditions fall outside the scope of the Evaluation or Action Plan.

The Purified Home Inspector shall endeavor to support and advance the professional reliability, integrity, and application of the Purified Home Living concept.

The Purified Home Inspector shall commit to the intention of adding value and improving the quality of life of all Clients.